
Get top-tier gym supplements without the hefty price tag! Conveniently located in Cameron Park’s industrial area, just off the freeway. Stock moves fast—drop by the gym or hit us up to see what’s in!


We stock various types of pre-workout that boast result-driven and gold standard components, that give performance enhanced workout.


All of our whey protein is sourced to the best standard. WE choose only the best so that you get the results you WANT!


Assisting your muscles' recovery to give those doms a bit of a kick so you feel less sore the day after your workout

Why choose protein powder?

A common dietary supplement is protein powder. A crucial macronutrient that aids in the production of enzymes and hormones, muscular growth, and tissue healing is protein.
Utilizing protein powder may help people lose weight and tone their muscles.

Protein powder comes in a wide variety of forms, including dairy- and plant-based powders. In this post, we go over a few of the health advantages of protein powder
and the various kinds that are offered.

Benefits of protein powder for health

One of the components of bone, muscle, and skin is protein. It's necessary for the body to make molecules like enzymes and hormones.

The following are some putative health advantages of protein powders:

Weight Control

Useful protein powder comes in a variety of forms.
People may feel satiated for longer by consuming foods high in protein and taking supplements. Smaller portion sizes and fewer snacking sessions
are typically brought on by feeling full, which can assist someone in maintaining a healthy weight or, if necessary, shedding some pounds.

Whey protein supplements may help overweight or obese adults lose body weight and total fat mass, according to a 2017 review.

Additionally, it might lower total cholesterol, blood pressure, and other cardiovascular disease risk factors.

Gaining muscle.

Protein is necessary for the growth of muscles. Protein shakes are frequently consumed by athletes and gym goers since they are thought to aid with post-strength training bodybuilding.

The use of protein supplements for this purpose is supported by a 2018 analysis of 49 trials. In healthy adults who engage in resistance exercise training, such as lifting weights,
evidence suggests that protein supplements dramatically increase muscle size and strength.

Men and women both benefited from taking extra protein. However, due to older adults' increased protein requirements compared to younger adults, the effectiveness may diminish with age.

The subjects did not continue to benefit from protein intake until it exceeded 1.6 grammes (g) per kilogramme (kg) of body weight (or 0.73 g per pound (g) of body weight), according to the study.

Recovery after exercise

Protein can aid in muscle tissue repair in addition to helping muscles grow. As a result, athletes may take protein powder to hasten the recovery process from post-exercise muscular soreness.

Numerous studies suggest that consuming protein supplements after working out helps speed up recovery by minimising muscle damage, enhancing muscle function, and increasing muscle protein synthesis.



You can't expect to feel 100% every workout. Finding the greatest pre-workout supplement may be all that's required to end your training slump
if you frequently arrive at the gym feeling worn out, lazy, and unmotivated.

Don't think pre-workout supplements have any effect? According to a research in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition, HIIT
exercises plus pre-workout supplements significantly increased VO2 max, training volume, and lean body mass while also accelerating the rate at which
recreational athletes with moderate training decreased body fat.

Before exercises or demanding workouts, if you don't adequately nourish your body, you'll feel less energised, weaker, and fatigue more quickly than usual.
That is true. Pre-workout is made to assist you combat this and keep working harder and longer. Therefore, although though the supplement can be consumed
in a variety of ways, including meals, shakes, pills, and more, they are all intended to promote attention and increase energy levels.

Pre-workout supplements are frequently consumed together with a beverage about 30 minutes before to the start of an exercise. That's because the glucose
in the pre-workout helps elevate blood sugar levels and offer extra energy throughout an exercise by giving your body extra carbohydrates. They are, in essence,
considerably more energising than a banana, shot of espresso or a black coffee.


Why use BCAA's

Branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) are crucial for maintaining muscle function and recovery because they encourage protein synthesis,
which leads to muscular growth, and they assist the delivery of energy to the muscle during exercise. L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, and L-Valine
are the three distinct and necessary amino acids (EAAs) that make up branched-chain amino acids. These essential amino acids may also
aid in the prevention of muscle breakdown in addition to helping in muscle growth.

BCAA Advantages

The term "essential" amino acids refers to amino acids that human bodies cannot naturally generate; this includes BCAAs. As a result,
branched-chain amino acids must be added to the diet or acquired through supplements. They also perform an incredible anti-catabolic effect,
which essentially means they stop the breakdown of muscle.

They accomplish this by reducing the expression of many complexes involved in protein degradation as well as the activity of pathways that break down proteins.
This means that branched-chain amino acids provide a two-pronged strategy to constructing and, more crucially, maintaining lean muscle mass. They do this
by increasing the body's rate of protein synthesis while also preventing muscle catabolism and breakdown.

Other advantages of BCAAs include
According to recent studies, branched-chain amino acids may also increase the intensity of your workout by reducing your brain's perception of exhaustion while you're working out.
Additionally, they have demonstrated that dieting with BCAA supplements can promote muscle retention and maximise fat loss more effectively than dieting without supplements.

They speed up the process of protein synthesis in your body because they have already been broken down into the essential amino acids your body needs to synthesise protein, they speed up the process.
Additionally, they lessen the quantity of protein degradation that takes place inside your body.
